Saturday, 6 September 2014

How To Install and Secure phpMyAdmin on a CentOS 6.4 VP


Many websites and applications require databases to store and manage large sets of information. MySQL and MariaDB are popular database management systems because of their flexibility, power, and ubiquity.
For many users, managing databases is difficult from the command line. For those who prefer to use a web interface, phpMyAdmin is a great alternative to command driven management.
In this guide, we will cover how to install and configure phpMyAdmin on a CentOS 6.4 VPS. The procedure should be fairly similar for other versions.

Step One –– Add EPEL Repositories

The phpMyAdmin package is not included in the CentOS default repositories, but it is available in the Fedora Projects EPEL (Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux) repositories.
We can add the repository to our yum source list by downloading a configuration file from the repository itself. Run the following command:

cd ~
Note that even though this file is coming from the 64 bit repository, it is architecture agnostic, meaning it will work for either 32 bit or 64 bit installations.
This will download the package into our home directory. Install it by typing:

sudo rpm -ivh epel-release*

Your installation now is aware of the EPEL repositories and will query it for packages.
We can check this by typing:

yum repolist
. . .
repo id         repo name                                       status
base            CentOS-6 - Base                                 6381
epel            Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 6 - x86_64  9788
extras          CentOS-6 - Extras                                 13
updates         CentOS-6 - Updates                              1336
repolist: 17518
As you can see, the EPEL repo is present.
Since the repository is entered in the system now, you can remove the repository configuration package by typing:

rm epel-release*

Step Two –– Download and Configure MySQL

To use phpMyAdmin, you need database software to administer. We will install MySQL and preform some initial configuration from the command line.
To install it, simply type:

Friday, 5 September 2014

Computer keyboard key explanations

When talking to tech support or to other people about keyboard commands, web pages, and command line commands, you may hear such things as forward slash, backward slash, and caret. Many times this can be confusing for anyone unfamiliar with each of the symbols on a keyboard. The chart below helps identify each non-alphanumeric keyboard key and a short description of the key or a link to a page with information about the key.

Symbol Explanation
Windows PC keyboards have a Windows key, which looks like a four-pane window
Command Apple Mac computers have a command key.
Esc Esc (Escape) key
F1 - F12 Information about the F1 through F12 keyboard keys.
Tab Tab key
Caps lock Caps lock key
Shift Shift key
Ctrl Ctrl (Control) key
Fn Fn (Function) key
Alt Alt (Alternate) key (PC Only; Mac users have Option key)
Spacebar Spacebar key
Arrows Up, Down, Left, Right Arrow keys
Back Space Back space (or Backspace) key
Delete Delete or Del key
Enter Enter key
Prt Scrn Print screen key
Scroll lock Scroll lock key
Pause Pause key
Break Break key
Insert Insert key
Home Home key
Page up Page up or pgup key
Page down Page down or pgdn key
End End key
Num Lock Num Lock key
~ Tilde
` Acute, Back quote, grave, grave accent, left quote, open quote, or a push
! Exclamation mark, Exclamation point, or Bang
@ Ampersat, Arobase, Asperand, At, or At symbol
# Octothorpe, Number, Pound, sharp, or Hash
£ Pounds Sterling or Pound symbol
$ Dollar sign or generic currency
¢ Cent sign
¥ Chinese Yuan
§ Micro or Section
% Percent
° Degree
^ Caret or Circumflex
& Ampersand, Epershand, or And
* Asterisk and sometimes referred to as star.
( Open parenthesis
) Close parenthesis
- Hyphen, Minus or Dash
_ Underscore
+ Plus
= Equals
{ Open Brace, squiggly brackets, or curly bracket
} Close Brace, squiggly brackets, or curly bracket
[ Open bracket
] Close bracket
| Pipe, Or, or Vertical bar
\ Backslash or Reverse Solidus
/ Forward slash, Solidus, Virgule, or Whack
: Colon
; Semicolon
" Quote, Quotation mark, or Inverted commas
' Apostrophe or Single Quote
< Less Than or Angle brackets
> Greater Than or Angle brackets
, Comma
. Period, dot or Full Stop
? Question Mark